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Pre-Winter Checklist: What to Check With Your Heater

We may live in the Sunshine State, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have to prepare for the winter season. Of all the cities in Florida, Gainesville is particularly likely to get very cold, due to its northern and inland location. With winter quickly approaching, it’s important to make sure your home is ready. Therefore, we’ve compiled a checklist of items to inspect with your heater and your house to ensure you will be comfortable throughout the winter months.

Gator Air & Energy’s Pre-Winter Heater Checklist

✓ Make Sure Your Heater Works

Since most Floridians don’t need to use their heater for a majority of the year, it’s important to make sure that your heater still turns on and churns out some heat. In order to not be too uncomfortable while testing your heater, turn on the heat after you get back home from work when it’s not so hot outside. Keep it running for 15 minutes or more to make sure that it’s still running effectively and blowing out heat. If it isn’t turning on, smells weird, or isn’t very hot, it could be due to one of the underlying problems explained below.

✓ Check Your Duct Sealing

Leaky ducts can lead to wasted heat, and wasted heat leads to wasted money. Because the holes in your air ducts are leaking into your attic instead of holding in heat and distributing it throughout your house, you’ll be paying to heat up your attic! A tell-tale sign of leaky ductwork is finding that you really have to turn up the heat just to get your house warm. You’ll also probably have a high electric bill, due to the cost of wasted heat energy. Thankfully, Gator Air & Energy offers Duct Sealing Services, where our inspectors patch and seal off holey ducts! Getting those checked and sealed before the winter will ensure a cozy house, despite the chilly weather.

✓ Make Sure Your Ducts Are Clean

Similar to holey ducts, dirty ducts also cause heating problems. As time goes on, ductwork can easily become dusty or dirty, especially if it’s left unchecked. When you start using the heater in the winter, the hot air combined with dust can become a fire hazard. The only way to ensure your ducts are clean is to have them regularly checked. However, the danger of dirty ducts can all be prevented with a duct cleaning, which can be performed by a Gator Air & Energy professional.

✓ Have Your Furnace Burner Checked

The furnace burner is the spot in your central heating unit where air and fuel are burned to produce heat. Because there’s an actual flame here, it’s very important that the burner is clean of any dirt, grime, grease, or anything else that could inadvertently catch on fire. This should be looked at by a professional, and a complete heater inspection from an HVAC professional can easily assess and clean out any issues there might be.

✓ Check For Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is especially important to be aware of if your house has a chimney and you use your fireplace. If unchecked for an extended period of time, a chimney can gather grime and soot to the point where it traps some of the fumes in the house. Amongst those fumes is carbon monoxide. Even if you don’t have a chimney, the furnace burner, electrical wiring, mechanical controls, and more can be potential causes of carbon monoxide.

This colorless, odorless gas is impossible to detect with human senses, so a carbon monoxide test is very important leading into the winter months. Basically, the inspector can ensure that your house is clean of carbon monoxide using specific instruments, and they can help prevent future issues by finding areas where the gas might get trapped in heating the house.

✓ Replace and Maintain Your Air Filter

Dirty air filters can cause dander, germs, and dirt to get transferred throughout the house when they’re not replaced. Replacing your air filter is a quick and easy task, as most air filters have a specific size that can then be bought at a home improvement retailer for a reasonable price. Just removing your vents and replacing them with a clean, new filter will allow for better airflow, cleaner air, and a fresher environment.

✓ Prevent Allergy Season With UV

Airborne germs can collect in your ductwork and then get distributed throughout the house, worsening allergies, causing lung problems, and more. In the winter, when allergies are typically stronger, immune systems can use all the help they can get! Therefore, installing UV lights in your A/C system can help kill any germs hiding in ductwork or coils. These lights can be easily installed by professionals during an inspection.

Contact Gator Air & Energy For a Heater Inspection

Our professional team knows exactly what to do to prepare your home or office for cold weather. With services like duct cleaning, sealing, UV installation, carbon monoxide tests, and more, we can ensure that you are ready to heat your house all winter. Contact us today for a consultation!

Things to Consider Before You Buy a New Air Conditioner

Purchasing a new air conditioner can be an exhausting period for practically any homeowner. Although you may not be an expert on HVAC (heating, ventilation & air conditioning), this article is designed to show you the correct steps to take when considering a new air conditioner for your home. Here at Gator Air & Energy, we pride ourselves on providing our clients with truthful, smart, and accurate help when choosing a new AC unit.

Do You Really Need a New AC Unit?

Replacing your current unit can be expensive, and even sometimes unnecessary situation for many people. Often, we find that a unit still has plenty life left. As far as AC units go, the average life expectancy is between 10-15 years. If your unit is between 10-15 years old and begins to act up this might be a good time to explore diving into purchasing a new unit.

Just like a car, motorcycle, and even that boat you love to take out on the weekends, your AC unit can more than likely be repaired despite its age. However, at some point, you can run into the problem of constant repairs, which will eventually begin to waste your money on nonstop expenses.

Calculate the Age

A great tip to think about when deciding if it’s time for a new unit is if the cost of repair, multiplied by the age of your unit, is more than the cost of a new unit.

(Cost of Repair) X (Age of Old AC Unit in Years) > (Cost of Your New AC)

For Example:

Cost of repair: $450.00
Age of Unit: 15 years
Price of new unit: $5,450.00 (with installation)

($450.00) X (15) = $6,750.00

$6,750.00 > $5,450.00 = Time for a new AC unit.

Keep in mind that every situation is different and things could differ from one another.

To talk to an expert, and find out if it’s time for a new AC unit, give us a call to speak with one of our highly qualified professionals.

Consider the Size of Your Home

Another great tip to think about before you buy a new unit is the size of your home. Did you know that having an AC unit too big for your home can cause your cooling system problems? The size of your house plays a vital role and having the wrong sized unit can lead to many problems for your AC unit including increased initial cost, higher monthly utility bills, unwanted service and maintenance charges, and may even take time off the life of your unit.

Calculate The Load of Your Home

A great key to finding out which unit you need is knowing the load of your home. Calculating the load of a home involves a professional and thorough inspection of one’s household. The findings will determine exactly how much cooling a home will truly need each and every hour as well as break down every room’s cooling needs.

Load Calculations take in multiple variables including:

  • Climate and location
  • Ceiling height
  • Type / Number of windows
  • How many people live in the home
  • Insulation in the home

As part of our energy-efficient AC services, we will perform a complete home evaluation before our service, which include home load calculation.

At Gator Air & Energy our professional employees we will make sure your house has the exact an appropriate AC unit in your home. Contact us today!

Consider the Air Conditioner Warranty

Having a good warranty is an essential key when choosing a new air conditioner. Having a good warranty shows that a company is willing to back its product which is a reassurance for you and your home.
Some key points to know about your warranty would be:

  • Warranty Terms
  • Warranty on Parts
  • Extended Warranty
  • Installation Warranty

At Gator Air & Energy we Specialize and are certified in Trane products. Trane is one of the leaders in HVAC companies and offers great warranty packages. To find out more about Trane warranty and all of our products give us a call.

Let Gator Air & Energy Help You Find the Right Air Conditioner

Are you ready for a new AC unit or tired of your AC not running how you want it to? If you’re in the North Central Florida area and think you might need a new unit, give us a call at Gator Air & Energy. Our professional technicians can help you find an awesome fit for exactly what your home needs to have it running perfectly.

5 Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Summer

If you notice that your allergies become more severe in the summer months, it may be because you are spending more time indoors to avoid the Florida heat. But did you know that, according to the EPA, indoor air is 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air? While this statistic is alarming, you can still improve your indoor air quality in the summer with these five tips.

5 Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality in Summer

Use a Dehumidifier

If you don’t have one already, it may be time to invest in a dehumidifier. During the hot and humid Florida summer months, pests and allergens thrive in the humidity. Dust mites are a common trigger for allergies and asthma, and they love the humidity. However, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, most dust mites die off in low humidity levels or extreme temperatures. Investing in a dehumidifier can help control dust mites and other allergens like mold from forming. Combating the humidity in Florida is difficult, but not impossible!

Have Your Pets Groomed Regularly

Pets shed more in the summer months to keep their bodies cool as well as prepare for their winter coats. Pet dander can negatively impact your indoor air quality and clog your filter faster. furry friends groomed regularly in the summer can help reduce the amount that they shed as well as keep them comfortable. Ask your groomer how short they can safely cut the hair, and try to keep it as short as possible in the summer months. You can also talk to your veterinarian about alternative methods to reduce pet dander in your home.

Change Your Air Filter Every Month

Your air filter is a crucial barrier between you and exposure to indoor air pollutants. Having a filter that is rated at least an 11 on the MERV scale can protect your home from numerous allergens. Equally important is to replace your air filter every month. You would be surprised how quickly an air filter can become ineffective when exposed to numerous allergens, especially in the summer months.

Summer Indoor Air Quality MERV Ratings Gator Air & Energy Gainesville FL

Consider UV Lighting

The inherent problem with AC units is that the ductwork stays cool and collects moisture almost constantly. By installing UV lighting to the interior ductwork, you can kill the mold and bacteria that thrive in those cool, dark environments. UV lighting is a simple and effective solution to reducing allergens in your home not just for the summer but all year round.

Contact Gator Air & Energy to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Gator Air & Energy has extensive experience dealing with indoor air quality. We offer many services that specifically target improving the quality of air in your home, including UV lighting, air filter replacement, and coil and pan cleaning. If you need help improving the air quality in your home, give us a call today.

What Homeowners Should Know About Home Humidity

Most Floridians are far too familiar with the term humidity. Humidity is what causes your mirror to build moisture when showering. It can also be the cause of mold building up in certain areas of your home. Humidity is also what causes us to feel like we are walking around in a sauna. However, did you know that humidity inside your home is what causes it to feel warmer, but has nothing to do with temperature? High levels of home humidity can have an effect on your body and comfort levels, your home, and your energy costs.

More About Humidity

Humidity is the amount of water vapor that is in the air. Usually, relative humidity is represented as a percentage. The most common and ideal comfort range for humidity levels is between 30-50%. For an example—100% humidity would mean that the air holds all of the water vapor it possibly can, while 0% would mean the absence of moisture in the air.

To learn more about how to keep your home comfortable, contact Gator Air and Energy.

How Humidity Affects You

Humidity can cause us to feel a lot warmer than we really are—which causes us to sweat. However, with higher humidity levels, our body has a harder time evaporating the sweat. The result of this is why many times you may wake up sweating in the middle of a hot summer night. More seriously, this can lead to things like:

  • Dehydration
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle cramps
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Fainting
  • Heat stroke

There are other side effects of humidity in the winter. Every breath you exhale puts a little bit of moisture back into the air. However, taking showers, cooking, and plants all add humidity to the air. If it is cold outside, humidity can build up on the windows and other surfaces that can be a recipe for winter moisture problems.

Though we don’t have to deal with it much, you can have low humidity as well. Many Floridians experience low humidity more in the winter and as a result, we can see some negative side effects that include:

  • Dry skin
  • Irritated sinuses and throat
  • Itchy eyes
  • Drying of respiratory tract

How Humidity Affects Your Home

Your health comes first, but humidity can also have negative effects on your home as well. High levels of humidity can cause a vast array of issues on your home including:

  • Musty odor
  • Moist, clammy air
  • Allergies
  • Mold growth
  • Warped wood floors
  • Condensation build-up
  • Condensation staining
  • Peeling wallpaper/blistering paint

Good quality and efficient air conditioners can help control the humidity in your home. Your air conditioner passes warm, humid air through a cold evaporator coil. While this process is happening, water vapor builds up on the coil, and water collects in a drainage pan. Your air conditioner dehumidifies the air while it cools your home. This is why we cannot stress enough the importance of having a newer, or well-maintained HVAC system for your home.

Call Gator Air and Energy for more information about HVAC installation or maintenance

How Humidity Affects Your Pockets

Humidity not only can have negative side effects on your body and your home, it can affect your energy costs as well. So what does humidity have to do with energy savings?

Homeowners spend a large portion of their energy costs cooling and heating their home. Being comfortable is one of the most important things to a high quality of life. The humidity of the air inside of your home determines how much heat the air holds inside of your home.

On a hot summer day, if the humidity inside the home increases, the air will hold more heat and the air conditioner will have to run longer to offset humidity and temperature. It is the opposite effect, but same results on cold winter days. If the humidity inside your home gets too low, the air will hold less heat inside your home. Your heating system will work harder to maintain comfortable temperatures in your home. The result of your heating and air conditioner work harder and longer? Higher energy costs.


If your air conditioner or heating system isn’t enough to maintain comfortable humidity levels, there are also dehumidifiers. This simple appliance will pull moisture from their air before it goes into your home. They can be paired with your air conditioner so that you can adjust temperature and humidity levels at once.

For All of Your HVAC Needs, Call Gator Air and Energy!

Humidity is an environmental factor that Floridians deal with on a daily basis. Gator Air and Energy is here to make sure that you can live your life in comfort year-round. Make sure to give us a call so we can monitor your systems to make sure they can hold up to our hot summers and cold winters. Making sure that your HVAC system is in working order or isn’t too outdated is essential to combating the Florida humidity.

Call Gator Air and Energy for your free quote today!